Speech and Language Disorders Are:
Misarticulation occurs when a child is not able to produce the speech sounds correctly this can be due to structural abnormalities of the speech articulators where the child has had cleft of lip and palate, tongue tie. Intervention programs will include traditional articulation approach.
Fluency disorder
It is a speech disorder where the child or an adult has dysfluencies such as blocks, repetitions of sounds/words, pauses while speaking. The treatment approach will include stuttering modification techniques and fluency shaping therapy.
Language disorders
Language delay where the child experiences delay in reception and expression, which further leads to the difficulty in academics where the child is expected to read and write at school. Language delay can exist on his own where the child has lack of speech and language stimulation at home or it does exist along various conditions like Down Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Intellectual Disability, family history of late talkers, cerebral palsy, seizure disorders or with history of high risk of an infant where the child will have delay in aspects of speech, language, motor milestones. The treatment for language delay will include training the parents or the caregiver to different language stimulating techniques which are modelling, imitation, self-talk, parallel talk etc.., where the child gets enough of stimulation to acquire the aspects of language.
Social communication disorder
Social communication disorders occur when a person has trouble with the social use of verbal and nonverbal communication. These disorders may include problems like communicating for social purposes (e.g., greeting, commenting, asking questions), talking in different ways to suit the listener and setting, and following rules for conversation and story-telling. All individuals with autism spectrum disorder have social communication problems. Social communication disorders are also found individuals with other conditions, such as traumatic brain injury.
Diagnosis and Management.