All hearing solutions under one roof
The Bangalore Cochlear Implant Institute (BCII) is equipped with state of the art infrastructure and equipment to provide the best possible care both in diagnosis and treatment

Our ENT diagnostic unit has innovative technologies that deliver superior endoscopic imaging and video, hand instruments, integrated light source, Endoscope management, camera and stroboscopy module. The workstation helps provide optimized workflows for the examining ENT surgeon ensuring patient comfort all the time.
A thorough audiological assessment is the first step if you suspect a hearing loss. The department has an acoustically sound treated room for maximum accuracy. All equipment for audiometry, tympanometry, oto-acoustic emissions, and brainstem evoked response audiometry uses top quality instruments from leaders in audiometric instrumentation for accurate testing and diagnosis.

As a multidisciplinary setup, we perform a complete assessment for candidacy and a pre-surgical baseline assessment. As post surgical management the unit performs CI mapping, and periodic speech perception tests along with regular therapy sessions to assess unilateral CI progress and/or bilateral CI candidacy, as warranted.
Hearing aids come in a variety of brands and models. It is important to choose a hearing aid that is best for you and your hearing loss. We provide all types of hearing aids, ranging from Behind the Ear (BTE) models, to Receiver-in-the-canal (RIC), and smaller invisible hearing aids that are completely in the canal (CIC/IIC). Our audiologists are well trained and experienced in hearing aid programming to give you the best hearing experience with all types of devices.

Rehabilitation therapy is necessary to maximize the benefits of the Cochlear Implants or hearing aids after early intervention. The implantee is taught to focus on listening and developing hearing as an active sense. These services are provided by audiologists, or auditory verbal therapists. The main goal of AVT is to facilitate learning in a natural environment, and to enable them to participate in mainstream society.
At our vertigo center, we have the VNG (Video-nystagmography), cervical and ocular VEMPs (Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials) to assess inner ear function and help diagnose vestibular neuritis, BPPV, central vestibular disorders. Vestibular Rehabilitation is proven to be the most effective form of treatment for several forms of vestibular disorders. We perform maneuvers for BPPV and carry out personalized vestibular exercise programs.

The Voice Clinic’s mission is to provide comprehensive, state-of-the-art evaluation and management of voice disorders. A Videostroboscopy is designed to assess the motion and pliability of the vocal folds for voice production. The analysis of voice may include acoustic and aerodynamic analysis. The unit conducts evaluations for the use of Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) devices for people with severe communication impairments. The center deals in the management of both functional and organic voice problems. We perform all kinds of phonosurgical techniques like laryngeal injection techniques, laryngoplasty, and phonomicrosurgery.
The Dysphagia Clinic has been established to serve as both a research and instructional lab. The Laboratory will also supply the educational and clinical experience required by students striving to become Speech Language Pathologists who treat individuals with swallowing disorders. The Dysphagia Lab is equipped with state of the art equipment to evaluate swallowing and to analyze temporal and biomechanical aspects of swallowing. We conduct assessments aimed at assisting individuals with swallowing difficulty, medically termed dysphagia. We offer Modified Barium Swallow Studies (MBS), also known as a video-fluoroscopic swallow study which is an instrumental procedure conducted by both the SLP and radiologist to assess the anatomy and physiology of the swallow mechanism. The test will evaluate which postural positions and consistencies are most appropriate, safest and tolerable for patients with swallowing difficulties.