The hearing loss that is caused due to excessive exposure to loud sound is the noise induced hearing loss. NIHL can be sudden or it can take long time to be noticeable. It can be temporary or permanent. The type and the amount of noise exposure may differentially damage the middle ear or the inner ear structure .Exposure to short duration high intensity noise may result in the damage to middle ear where as a continuous noise for a prolong duration may result in the damage to the structure .
What is “Noise” ?
Noise is any unwanted unpleasant or loud sound that disrupts hearing. Exposure to continuous noise of 85-90db ,over a life time in industrial settings, can lead to a progressive loss of hearing .
Effects of noise on daily living
Noise disturbs activities and communication ,causing annoyance may lead to stress responses, then symptoms possibly illness .Noise disturbs sleep and may increase blood pressure, heart rate, and finger pulse amplitude as well as body movement.
Noise and hearing loss
The hearing loss from excessive noise is a predominant occupational concern. Workplace accident and injuries also can increase due to excessive noise, as workers may not hear warning signal and reduced capability to localize the source of sound. Hearing loss can be preventable through taking appropriate safety measures, such as wearing earplugs or reducing the volume of noise.
Sources of noise
Community noise
All noise emitted from all sources except noise at the industrial workplace.
Main source of community noise includes :
Road Traffic noise
Noise from rail roads
Aircraft noise
Construction noise
Noise in building
Noise from consumer products
Noise in and around home
Machinery noise :
Water heater
Dish washer
Acoustic fan
Gas fire
Minor appliances and small machinery
Fan heater
Vacuum heater
Knife sharpener
Hair dryer
Electric grinder
Radio, tape player
Whistling kettle
People and animals
Singing, shouting, and parting
Dog barks
Musical instruments
Fire works
Hand tools
Industrial noise
Noise from fixed installations, such as factories or construction sites, heat pumps and ventilation systems on roofs , typically affect nearby communities
People under risk for NIHL
Factory workers
Railway workers
Excessive use of personal amplifiers
People prone to loud machinery noise
People who settle near traffic
General signs of hearing loss
Ringing in the ear
Inability to hear soft and high-pitched sound
Difficulty understanding conversation at a distance or in crowd
Muffling of speech and other sounds
Difficulty understanding speech in noise
More intently lip reads during conversational speech
Tired or stressed while listening
Difficulty in hearing emergency alarms
Trouble during telephonic conversation
Ear protective device
Ear protection device protects the ear from new hearing damage and is a legal requirement for whenever workers are subjected to noise. All hearing protectors are designed to reduce the intensity of noise to the inner ear. It is necessary for all those are exposed to noise to wear ear protection devices in order to prevent noise induce hearing loss.
There are 3 basic types of ear protection devices available including:
Ear muffs
Ear plugs
Semi inserts
Ear Muffs/ Ear defenders
These are the ear protection devices which has the appearance of head phones, which consist of soft ear cushions that create a seal around the ears and hard outer cups that are joined by a head band.
Ear muffs are the most efficient type of ear protection devices which may provide an attenuation of 50db in certain frequency.
These type of EPDs can be used by the people with minor ear infection.
Ear Plugs
These fit in to the ear canal itself. There are several different types of ear plugs available including Disposable, reusable and permanent. In which disposable is for one time use and provides an attenuation about 25 - 30dB. Reusable devices can be washed with soap and use again. It provides an attenuation about 20 – 25dB. Permanent or custom-made ear plugs attenuates 25 – 30dB.
Semi inserts
Semi inserts are earplugs positioned against the ear canal and attached to a small handle which is worn under the chin or around the back of the neck. It provides an attenuation of about 20 – 25dB. The use of Ear muffs in combination with ear plugs provides the best attenuation.
At Bangalore Hearing & Implant Institute, A team of Audiologist and ENTs provide the management options for persons experiencing Noise Induced Hearing loss. For any information connect with us through . Ph: +91 6366888883